

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Life Lately

+ hot chai and a birthday cake cake pop in the freezing mall.
+ iced chai on a hot, hot, blazing hot texas day. (somebody's a little obsessed.)

+ hotpot with our reunited family
+ bracelets from Thailand! from the lovely sister of course.

+ naptime & TV time. mellow, lazy, perfect.
+ Chinese checkers with my dad and sister (the champion is yours truly, of course).

+ shopping day, the best kind of day there is! (and more starbucks ... of course.)
+ homemade. noodles.

+ my sister flew over lovely Stanford. never knew I would miss this place so much.
+ best friend date - ice cream, sbux, shoe shopping, target runs.

Before you accuse me of having a slight MAJOR Starbucks addiction, trust me, I know. I'm trying to fix this, but I'm too far gone. I've been trying to forget about my beloved coffee by setting up camp on the sofa and watching the Olympics while stuffing my face with mochi being inspired by the athleticism and muscles and pretty faces (seriously, why are these people such champs at sports and absolutely gorgeous? not fair... leave something for the commoners, people!) of Team USA. (And other teams too, I guess... But mostly Team USA!)