

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

What I Wore...

Outfit posts are no strangers to the blog world, and I thank the bright stars above for that! I could spend days upon days scrolling through various blogs and being inspired. With that said, I think I want to start posting a slightly different kind of outfit post. Here's why...

Disclaimer 1. I'm no fashionista. I'm in college and on summer break. I'm taking advantage of the one time in life where I can wear sweats everywhere and people won't judge me. Kind of.

Disclaimer 2. Once again, I'm in college and on a teensy weensy budget, which means I don't get to go shopping very often at all (I go once in a blue moon... the sad things in life... first world problems). So I can't really offer readers very creative outfits based on what's actually being sold in stores right now.

SO. Because I am a genius (ha, not really), I have a solution! I am going to take pictures of the outfits that I do actually wear in my everyday life, but I want to be able to analyze them to see how I can improve. I will use these pictures to see how I can clean out my closet, which items should be on my shopping list, and basically a ton of other baby steps that can launch me into non-sweats world!

{ from left: top nicked from my friend Lauren; white top by Target, belt by F21, skirt nicked from my friend Kylie; striped tank by PINK Victoria's Secret, white shorts by Ruehl, belt by F21, cardigan by American Eagle via Marshall's }

Notes: I work at a Kumon center twice a week, so I attend to a lot of parents and kids of all ages. Therefore, I have to dress somewhat conservatively, although nothing too restricting is required!

{ from left: blue top by F21, belt by F21, skirt by H&M, purse by Coach; red blouse by Hollister, belt by H&M, shorts by Gap, purse by Longchamp; green top by Hollister, shorts by Gap, belt by H&M }

Thoughts: I love belts. I have a lot of them too, so I should vary the ones that I use instead of sticking to the same two featured in these. I prefer slightly high-waisted shorts, so should stay on the lookout for those. And I should also keep an eye out for more variation in tops- I realize that I prefer looser, unique tops, so I should start buying quality ones over piles and piles of cheap F21 t-shirts. Last thing: ACCESSORIZE, GIRLFRIEND. Don't be too lazy to look in the jewelry drawers!

Any thoughts on this feature/my un-fashionista outfits? Tips, comments, suggestions? All welcome!