Wearing this...
with leggings + boots.
(okay fine, not this exact sweater. but it's basically the same.)
Listening to...
the sound of rain.
(alright, that was last night. it's actually quite sunny outside right now. but it just sounds so much better than the coffee vending machine next to me in the psychology lounge...)
Thinking of...
food, because I skipped breakfast and am starving.
Figuring out...
my major.
I'm meeting with the advisor I want this afternoon.
And then it's all about forms and clicking-on-buttons from there.
It's a big moment for me, y'all...
I've toyed with majoring in just about everything out there.
But I think I've finally figured it out!
sorry for the radio silence around here lately.
it's midterm season round these parts.
so, it's all libraries and textbooks for a bit!