This has been a busier week than usual (it's Tuesday morning, I know...), so here's a fun little meme for some lighthearted fun. I found it in the archives of Coeur De La which is a great blog by the way! Leave a link if you want to try it!
If I was a month,
I’d be mid-April or late September.
If I was a day of
the week, I’d be Sunday mornings.
If I was a time
of day, I’d be the Golden Hour.
If I was a
planet, I’d be Pluto. (You guys, it's a planet.)
If I was a sea
animal, I’d be a dolphin.
If I was a
direction, I’d be all over the place.
If I was a piece
of furniture, I'd be a big, comfy, squishy bed.
If I was a
liquid, I’d be an extra-hot, creamy chai.
If I was a
gemstone, I’d be an emerald.
If I was a tree,
I’d be a palm tree.
If I was a tool,
I’d be a screw (because [I] bring people together - Lauren)
If I was a
flower, I’d be a pink peony.
If I was a type
of weather, I’d be thunderstorm-y.
If I was a
musical instrument, I’d be harmonica.
If I was a color,
I’d be coral.
If I was an
emotion, I’d be joyful.
If I was a fruit,
I’d be an avocado.
If I was a sound,
I’d be a baby's laughter.
If I was an
element, I’d be wind.
If I was a car,
I’d be a cute Mini Cooper.
If I was a food, I'd be a hearty pasta with lots of cheese.
If I was a place,
I’d be a tropical island with lots of hammocks.
If I was a
material, I'd be cashmere.
If I was a taste,
I'd be sugar and spice.
If I was a scent,
I’d be my mom's sweet green tea perfume.