Before you check out,
this isn't going to be a political post.
I'm from Texas and I go to school in California,
and I have enough political mambo-jambo from both sides to last me until 2016.
Nope, look, cupcakes!
Now do you believe me?
Now do you believe me?
I don't really pay attention to politics.
I should, and I will, but I don't at the moment.
But my best friend does.
She is head-over-heels in love with politics;
it is what she wants to do with her life;
it is what sparks that fire inside of her
it is what makes her giddy;
it is to her what writing and blogging and social media are to me.
And in the late afternoon, early evening yesterday,
when Florida was neck-to-neck,
I knew she was close to either passing out,
or inflating like a ball of stress and eventually exploding.
Which wouldn't do.
So, my roommate and I hopped in the car,
went to Sprinkles,
picked up these cute election day goodies,
and I showed up at this little restaurant/sports cafe place
that my best friend told me to meet her at.
I showed up, thought it was kind of weird that it was so packed,
and surprised her with cupcakes.
Everyone was crowded into this tiny little back room,
and when the 11PM polls closed and the results began to show up on screen,
Senate keeps control.
Screaming. cheering.
Blue state.
An uproar.
More blue states.
People were going crazy.
Obama is re-elected president of the United States of America.
The place... was just gone. Done.
And I know I'm in northern California,
but I still thought it was a bit excessive.
So then five minutes later,
after I had finished my cupcakes of course,
and we parted ways,
I started heading back home,
and that's when I see a huge sign on the door of the restaurant
that I had somehow missed coming in:
that I had somehow missed coming in:
Stanford Democrats Viewing Party.
Oh. Well, that explains it!
Congratulations, Mr. President!