

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Give Us A Camera And Some Time...

In high school, Mollie and I were in yearbook.
Essentially, that meant picking up a stack of "quote forms,"
and a camera that was too fancy for our own good,
and walking around our long hallways for forty whole minutes,
interrupting classes to interview people and take photos
aka save our friends who wanted a break from school,
proudly flashing our "press passes,"
when assistant principals questioned us.
Those were the glory days.

welcome to my backyard, friends!

our "lake" after weeks of rainfall

last weekend, it was a gorgeous day at stanford,
so Mollie and I grabbed a still-too-fancy-for-our-own-good camera,
and went on a long walk to starbucks,
snapping pictures along the way.

except there were no assistant principals after us,
no friends to save from timed writes & math solutions,
and only some good old girl talk to catch up on!