

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Likes of the Week

This past week, I liked...

Tonight, my dining hall hosted "Kindergarten" and supplied us with Play-Doh, fingerpainting materials, coloring books, reindeer sandwiches, popcorn, and juice boxes to de-stress during Dead Week.

Finding out that Kate Middleton is pregnant. It was the biggest debacle. Imagine: in a college dining hall, me hyperventilating, crying, not being able to breathe or speak, going outside to scream... and my roommate spilling her water everywhere and nearly dropping her plates. All in front of the entirety of our (very attractive) men's swim team...

Hanging out in Starbucks while it's pouring outside... just listening to country music (Eli Young Band's album...  yes, yes, yes!) and journaling. 

Eating Ramen on my mom's birthday. It's Chinese tradition to eat "long noodles" on a birthday for a "long life," so when I'm in college (& don't know how to cook), I have to get creative.

Having (good) (free) sushi at a club's official event. I'll take two whole platefuls, pleaseandthankyou.

Late night drives in the rain to In-N-Out. And late night drives to Jack in the Box for curly fries & a milkshake. It doesn't happen as often as I make it seem.

Stanford beating UCLA for the second time in two weeks and making it to the Rose Bowl! So proud of our football team :)

Here's to a great week, everyone! :)