- and so, began a great Saturday adventure. By "great," I'm referring to getting lost more than once, taking the windiest {weather-windy and curvy-windy} path and seeing the most gorgeous mansions, driving into freezing fog, and then not being able to even see the coast because of said dumb fog, and instead taking a risky U-turn to hang out at a random pumpkin patch on the side of the highway instead. It also kind of, sort of resembled something out of a horror movie, but #wecan'tstop #wewon'tstop.
{The players on this jaunt: me (no. really?), Cassandra (of course), KB, and Bert!}
Yes, you saw right. We stopped halfway to Half Moon Bay to grab emergency flannel sheets from the trunk because the temperature dropped more than twenty degrees, and it got a bit too chilly. No, the thought of putting the top back on the convertible didn't occur to us. Nope, we kept the top down, snuggled into sheets, turned the heat up, and then raised our arms up to giggle at the wind tunnel effect that the temperature difference made. Energy efficient? Absolutely not. A memorable experience to be had? Undoubtedly.
{If you think we belong in a music video, you are thinking right, my friend. I would not be opposed. Not at all.}