Someday I will stop blogging in lecture, and start listening to my professor.
But someday is not today, because here I am! Linking up with Tay Tay!
Someday I won't be so cliche as to put a reflective word on a picture of a sunset.
Someday I will ... have a bigger conflict in my life than having to determine whether I actually want Emma Swan with Captain Hook or with Neal/Baelfire in Once Upon A Time.
Someday I will ... stop wondering why I don't have a thigh gap and just accept that it really is because I eat four desserts a day.
Someday I will ... learn to get my ducks in a row.
Someday I will ... find out exactly what I want in a career, instead of throwing three sentence long descriptions around. Or maybe someday I will create that perfect dream job for myself.
Someday I will ... learn how to cook without burning water in the process.
Someday I will ... be able to walk by Starbucks and not buy a
Someday I will ... step foot onto all seven continents, see many countries, experience countless cultures, and document everything along the way!
Someday I will ... have a puppy and finally know what it feels like to have a canine soul mate.
Someday I will ... fall in love - madly, passionately, genuinely. And I won't ever let him go.
Someday I will ... learn how to use my fancy pants camera properly, instead of twiddling around with the buttons until the picture magically looks nice and telling everyone I'm a master with the manual settings.
Someday I will ... own a pair of ridiculously unnecessary and expensive shoes, and I won't feel guilty for buying them at all. (x43.)
Someday I will ... have 100% faith in myself and know positively, without a doubt that I can do anything, be anyone, live however I want to and not give a damn what anyone else thinks or expects.
Someday, someday.