BUT. Before we get to all that jazz, I want to bombard you with pictures of my weekend. I really enjoy Monday mornings when I tighten up my bootstraps {fall out of bed} and get to business with this part, because it makes me feel like I was actually socially productive over two days, whereas on MTWThF, I'm usually ... not.
Post-tailgate trek to the football game! Because a fall weekend is not a real fall weekend without some quality tackles and catches, amirite?
Saturday was our Homecoming game against UCLA, and we.wrecked.that. Or whatever. We half wrecked it. Second-half wrecked it, that is. Cassandra also managed to wrestle an errant football away from some rowdy boys who had caught it from some practice kicks after halftime. We weren't sure if we had to return it, and honestly didn't really want to, so we tucked it into my bag and booked it out of there ...
We hopped onto the Caltrain, walked probably 3 miles more than necessary thanks to Siri and her smug ways, and arrived at Tony's Pizza {again} in San Francisco's North Beach area. If we didn't already feel like we deserved sinful amounts of pizza after that hour's train ride, we definitely felt like we deserved it after our calves started burning like John Mayer's slow dancing in the room.
Although we sat outside and it was pretty chilly and passengers in creepy tour buses slowed down to blow kisses at us, there was a nice little heater above us, some exceptional grub in front of us, and the loveliest of people around us. That's all I can ask for, really.
Afterwards, the girls headed back to Stanford and I scampered off to my sister's apartment. Side note: best cab driver EVER. He's apparently both a salsa dancer and the second place horse endurance racer in the state of California, so that was a chill ride to say the least.
But I basically bummed at my sister's place for the night - stole her food and drinks, watched The Heat {hilarious!}, took over her couch, and then the next day I stole away many hours of her day by...
Checking out the cutest little coffee shop for a yummy macchiato.
Following her around an adorable farmer's market.
Taste-testing {from top to bottom: beignets (please someone help me; these induce tears of joy), crackers w/ pimento cheese spread, pork hash w/ poached eggs, and oyster po-boys w/ hush puppies} from The Boxing Room, a delightfully scrumptious Creole restaurant we went to for brunch. Amazing.
Then, it was time to hit the stores running.
This might've happened. {Look at that Rainbows tan. #CanICallMyselfACalifornianNow}
... and that's all I have to say about that.
Happy Monday, dearies!