

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Fall, I Love You. Kind Of.

You know how everyone and their mother likes to claim that they're indie or hipster or whatever these days? Or sometimes, they don't claim it - they just make it very clear to the world by listening to their Mumford & Sons in combat boots and fringe shirts, pretending not to give two cares about anything?

Well. That's not me. I'm as mainstream as it gets. Like, I'm right now at Starbucks drinking an extra hot grande dirty soy chai latte, no water please. I'm wearing Lululemon head to toe, scrolling through my Instagram feed while judging everyone else around me scrolling through their Instagram feeds, thinking about how they should really try and "unplug"/"disconnect" now and then or our generation is doomed.

I'm mainstream. And I'm especially blogger mainstream. As in, I love all the cliches. I have the bubble necklace. I just bought a single mason jar with a few mustache straws [so. precious!]. I like chevron, glitter, and J.Crew. So naturally, I love fall. It's my favorite season. ...Until I question it all.

The best things about autumn, a list:

1. // FALL-SCENTED CANDLES ... Until they burn your suitemate's hair.
{... she didn't even see it coming.}

2. // SNICKERDOODLES FRESH OUT OF THE OVEN SO SOFT THEY ARE PRACTICALLY STILL DOUGH ... Until your stomach starts to hurt from eating one too many.
3. // CUTE FALL CLOTHES ... Until you realize you'd actually much rather just stick with this:
4. // TORY BURCH SHOES ... Until your calves get too fat for the boots, and the flats kill you, one blister at a time.
5. // PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES ... Until everyone in the suite starts fighting for the ONE bathroom for the PCP [post coffee poop... TMI, sorry bout it]. And you're paying ~$5 for this crap. (Literally.)

6. // BORROWING A BOY'S SWEATSHIRT FOREVER ... Until it just reminds you that you don't have a boyfriend to snuggle with.

8. // COLLEGE FOOTBALL ... Until you lose to an un-ranked Utah. As a #4 team.
9.  // FALL TV ... Until... Hahahahahaha, just kidding, fall TV will never not be the best.

10. // THE ANTICIPATION OF HOLIDAY SEASON ... Until Starbucks gives you a "short" holiday cup, instead of a "tall." Thanks. Thanks for that, buds.
But rest assured, dear Autumn, you're always going to be my favorite. Even if you play hard to get sometimes.
Linking up with Niki & Kar-Kar Kim today!

Glossy Blonde