

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Paris Is Always A Good Idea || Part III

A few nights ago, I watched the Kirsten Dunst/Sofia Coppola version of Marie Antoinette, and it brought me right back to the day we spent in Versailles. Really though, show me a better example of opulence or extravagance elsewhere, and I'll say "okay, but North West's nursery doesn't count. Show me another one."  
After a mellow morning spent meandering around Marie Antoinette's backyard, we headed back into the city. With time to spare before dinner and most of our "Must-See" list checked off, we (my sister, the leader of the pack) ultimately decided on Pompideu, the contemporary arts museum in Paris. Firstly, we checked out the most beautiful piece of art of all: a gorgeous nighttime panoramic starring the Eiffel Tower. Then, we roamed the halls and found lovely, interesting, inspired pieces of artwork and exhibitions by artists new and historical.

Finding our stomachs rumbling, we made our way over to Ar Poul Gwen, a creperie with a Brazilian vibe. AMAZING, folks. Amazing. We ordered six huge crepes for the four of us (four savoury and two sweet - the sweet ones were gone in a millisecond), and were all stuffed by the time we demolished all six. They were paper-thin, extremely flavorful, but incredibly filling at the same time. It was a crepe experience well worth the wait and the miles on miles of walking.

To help us digest all that scrumptiousness, we walked all the way back to the hotel - we passed by all the major attractions - the Louvre, Jardin du Tuileries, that random ferris wheel, along all the charming Christmas markets on Champs-Elysees (obviously, I snagged myself a beignet), and then past Arc du Triomphe. The stroll was the most perfect way to bid adieu to the most enchanting of cities.
Paris, je'taime, mon amour.


One big Paris tip: my sister was the smartest cookie in the cookie jar and bought us Paris Museum 2-day passes. I think they were something like 60 euros per person, but they have a list of 50+ museums and attractions that you have access to for two whole days, including the Louvre and Versailles. So worth it, and you'll feel like a BAMF when you get to skip all the lines. It's like Disney, FastPass style. 

This weekend passed by in a fancy outfits, slow roasted pork belly and caramelized apples, philharmonic orchestra at the Sheldonian theater with Oxford's entire above-70 population, and roadtrip to Bath blur. More on that in the near future, but as of right now - I'm all cultured out, dude.