

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

A CaptionThis! Contest ... Against Myself

Caroline #1 :: A really! really! fun! get together with some really! really! hungry! friends!

Caroline #2 :: We just really like Mexican food okay don't judge. And by Mexican food I really mean chips and all the dip. And by food I mean bottomless margaritas.
Caroline #1 :: Driving to the cutest little shabby shack of a froyo gem called Yumi Yogurt with Lindsey and Lauren for dinner, aka a craving-satisfying birthday cake flavor + layers and layers of real cookie dough.

Caroline #2 :: THEY SARAN WRAP IT & YOU GET TO CRACK IT OPEN HALFWAY. Never mind that it tastes like UNICORNS, but it's even more fun than popping bubble wrap!!!!!!
Caroline #1 :: Friends!

Caroline #2 :: Kind souls who crashed my solo The Prince & Me and Bridget Jones's Diary binge (I'm a sucker for accents, sue me for breathing) and dragged me downstairs for some face-to-face socializing. Thank you kindly. #andnowbacktomrdarcy
Caroline #1 :: So maybe not the healthiest Friday night there ever was. But all for good reason – celebrating the greatest daddy there ever was!

Caroline #2 :: Fathers have birthdays so daughters can fill up on grease and sugar, that's just a universally accepted truth. Also, this is the first time I've ever had wontons in chili oil, which probably has my azn ancestors rolling in their graves, but dammit that was one delicious plate of food and I refuse to apologize for my actions.
Caroline #1 :: Thanks papa for letting me hang out with you all weekend and buying me food.

Caroline #2 :: *brb drooling*
Caroline #1 :: Well I'm slightly concerned about the food to non-food ratio in this post, but let's disregard that for a moment and talk about how amazing this delicious bowl of ramen was. And all in great company, of course! Can't ask for better lunch buddies than my dad (is he sick of me yet?!) and my ABILSMTG (almost brother-in-law, seven months to go)!

Caroline #2 :: I asked for my ramen spicy, ate half the bowl pretty proud of the fact that my mouth wasn't on fire yet, and then realized the spicy paste was still sitting patiently on the spoon next to the bowl. I've never claimed to be the smartest egg in the carton ramen, that's for sure.
Caroline 1 :: I may not have gone to school for engineering, but I'm not awful at building my own cocktail it turns out. In your face, engineering / product design majors, I'm not useless!! Aaaaaand putting this on my resume.

Caroline 2 :: It's five o'clock somewhere here. It was five o'clock HERE. On the dot.

So it turns out one Caroline was sassier than the other, one might have better survival instincts in society, and both are forever eating everything in sight.

We're at that point in the quarter when term papers and midterms and finals (yes BOTH) are turning our brain capacity to a number resembling the temperature in, like, northern Minnesota at the moment, so this was the best I could do today. Hope your Monday outlook is looking a lot brighter than mine!