Before every night out on the town, my friend Lauren likes to playfully remind everyone to "make bad choices!" But she says it in such an innocent, honey sweet way that most people take it as a firm warning – girl, you better watch yoself OR ELSE. It works the opposite way on the off chance she decides to throw out a "make good choices!" Intuitive, I know!
If my life in the past couple of days has been any indication, I need Lauren shouting "MAKE BAD CHOICES I REPEAT MAKE BAD CHOICES" to me with a megaphone from the rooftops, because while yes there have been a couple of good decisions, there have also been a few more that are a wee bit questionable.
So, dear bloggy friends, help me evaluate these so-called questionable ones? Tell me if I was justified, or if I should put myself in time out?
QUESTIONABLE CHOICE #1 :: Making a split second decision to wrangle a couple of friends and drive to Chick-fil-A, which happens to be 30 minutes away. On the one hand, holy heck that is some good chikin and I love me some dip & squeeze ketchup, but on the other hand, that's a whole lotta effort for something that's not exactly ... well ... nutritious or free ... at all.
QUESTIONABLE CHOICE #2 :: Um, so I spent $10 on pens. But they're colorful Sharpie pens, and also some cheap BIC ones too, and I promise I won't lose them for at least three weeks!!! Also, I was at Target and you can't leave the premises without buying something you don't need, so like yeah.
GOOD CHOICE #1 :: OK, throwing myself a bone here. I put my foot down and demanded some of my favorite friends to come over for dinner last night because I haven't gotten to spend good old-fashioned quality time with them recently. Patting myself on the back for that one.

OMG The sharpie pens are my new favorite pens! I love them! I don't use any other, they do dry out if you don't cap them right. haha you'll do fine on your exams sometimes you need a break from studying anyway! Your trip to Europe sounds amazing, I can't wait to see photos of you there.
ReplyDeleteLiliana @
the trip makes up for any and all questionable choices!!!!
ReplyDeleteI want to try the Sharpie pens! Do you like them?! Also, your trip sounds amazing! Can't wait to read all about it. :)
ReplyDeleteChick Fil A is always worth the drive. 100% good decision. we used to drive 45 minutes because that was the closest one. also Europe makes up for any + all questionable decisions for. sure.
ReplyDeleteQuestionably choices usually end up being the right ones..and Chick Fil A NEVER belongs on the questionable choice list!
ReplyDeleteChick Fil A is ALWAYS a good choice!
ReplyDeleteTarget and Chick Fil A are never questionable--they'll steal your money QUICKLY but they're AWESOME choices!
ReplyDeleteI will gladly throw my money at them, so long as they take it!
DeleteChickfilA is never questionable! It's well worth the drive and delicious calories!!!
Amen to that, my friend!!
DeleteI am just so jealous you got to eat chickfila. They don't have them in Seattle and it was almost a reason I didn't move here. Everywhere needs chickfila!
ReplyDeleteI need to check out these Sharpie pens! I love the Sharpie brand :D I drove over an hour late one night just to get doughnuts, so I am not the person to ask about your Chik-fil-A run ha ha. How super exciting about the trip! I want to go on a trip!
ReplyDeleteUmm the pens are a good choice! Ive spent way more useless ish. PS. the trip makes up for it all!!