Here we are in the throes of Finals Week, and frankly, it sucks.
You should've seen me last night. Google Drive froze for about thirty minutes while I was frantically trying to crank out a research paper (on Yik Yak! "Academia" *slaps knee laughs in glee*) while also trying to remember the epidemiology of personality disorders. I was about to rip. my. hair. out. and / or throw my laptop against the wall. But I stopped because I happened to be on a slide describing a certain anger management issue, and I re-evaluated and walked away slowly ... in search of sugar as an alternative coping mechanism.
My nap this afternoon, so luxuriously enjoyed, was longer than the total amount of sleep I got last night. College is a funny thing, ain't it? I mean, you're essentially living in an alternate universe of sorts where your main job is to listen to experts teach you everything they know, make Taco Bell runs so as not to waste a fast metabolism, and forget to shower or do laundry during stressful weeks even though they're highlighted in bright neon.

I know my days here in this paradise where I can go to class in the very clothes I went to sleep in are numbered. Where we've essentially skipped winter AND spring and gone straight ahead to summer – lemme just tell ya, a typical afternoon here currently involves absorbing Vitamin D by the pool. I've been sweating in shorts this week, it's been that glorious. I'm going to miss having delicious meals prepared and ready for me at 12pm and 6pm sharp. I'm going to miss how "decorating" is simply taping 4x6's in a haphazard fashion on the wall, living within a yelling distance from all of my closest friends, sitting around the lunch table listening to the smartest people I know calculating the country's GDP if X, Y, or Z happens, and running into my entire social circle simply by making a pitstop at Starbucks. (And also, living one minute away from Starbucks.) It's an invigorating place, college.
I'm writing this out for posterity's sake because it's likely my last real finals week (nothing but Senior Spring for me next quarter). As much as the lack of sleep and the growing laundry pile and the tricky multiple choice questions are truly, truly destroying my soul at the moment ... I wouldn't trade this for the world right now.
So here's a quick little message to my future self:
Hey you, remember when you thought the biggest problems of your life were a couple of twee tests? Who were you even trying to kid, amirite o wise one? No, no. You were merely having the tiiiiiiiiime of your life (no I never felt this way beforeeeeeeee).
Oh Caroline. I love your writing style so very much. Don't waste that fast metabolism eat all the Taco Bell! (I can't go to Taco Bell, I'm on an all carb diet...god).
ReplyDeleteTHIS! I've been so overwhelmed lately with finishing my degree and wondering what the heck I'm going to do with my life, that I often forget to take advantage of the fact that I'm young, getting an education, not working, and have time to simply enjoy life. My stresses today will be nothing compared to those of the future. The weather lately in California helps too.
I totally get it. This is very much a "this too shall pass" moment in our lives – the stress and uncertainty will only bother us for so much longer, but this beautiful, beautiful rite of passage we've been blessed to experience is also coming quickly to an end. Much love to you!