MAY you stop, Father Time? Pause a little now and then? & I'll stop right there because, well, I'm starting to sound like a Furby who keeps chattering on and on and on even after it's powered off and the batteries are tossed far, far away. Nowwww, let's talk about April, my favorite month of all thanks to the fact that birthday calories never count, don't you dare tell me otherwise.
In April, I've been ...
Watching :: Movies! I'm usually more of a TV girl, but it's taken a major backseat. I'm in this really cool class where we watch a film every week and then discuss the psychological/developmental themes. So far we've done Brave, Juno, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Whiplash. Holy incredible films. Plus I watched Interstellar and had my mind completely blown.
Eating :: ... if I tell you that a dozen Krispy Kremes disappeared literally in the span of fifteen minutes between three people - one of whom may or may not have been me - would you promise not to judge? No? K, it didn't happen. I'm on a diet, duh. (Winks.)
Planning :: weekends in May and early June. I totally realized that our free-to-do-anything-anytime days are numbered, and that we really need to be taking advantage of them. Thus ... on the schedule: Napa/Sonoma, beach(es), Los Angeles, Bay to Breakers, Santa Cruz.
Reading :: short stories authored by people in my fiction class. First of all - our instructor wrote a book that Obama included on his Christmas list, so - ha, hopefully he never stumbles upon the atrocious writing plastered all over Perpetually Caroline. But these stories that we're workshopping, man... SO good. I'm always so in awe of my classmates here.
Enjoying :: the acceptance that comes with knowing everything's going to turn out okay.
Saying :: "you are so, so brave" to friends far braver than I, and "imma miss the heck outta you" to my sissy because she's leaving me for Seattle.
Needing :: to make some bank. Everything comes with a humongous price tag at the moment. I won't tell how much money I spent on senior formal, but it ain't pretty. I also need some Bill Gates level cash to fix my camera lens, buy a Europe wardrobe, book AirBnBs/trains/planes/hotels/random tickets for the summer, and I mean there's that whole little thing with paying rent and all in three months and counting.
Learning :: Serbo-Croatian. When was the last time you learned a completely new language? I dabbled in Spanish in high school, but here's the vocabulary I've retained: hola, enchilada, taco, queso, burrito, mas enchiladas, gracias. Fluent.
Feeling :: like I'm coming to terms with graduation. I'm still unbelievably sad about having to leave, but I'm also starting to feel just a little ready. Does anyone want to teach me how to drive or turn on a stove, please? #NotSelfSufficient
BONUS - Thanking :: all of my beloveds for doing such a great job of celebrating my birthday all throughout April. Y'all are the real MVPs.
To May and beyond! What's on your plate, friends?