

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Let Them Eat Cupcake // $500 Ultimate Cash Giveaway

Oh, my. My, my, my. I had the loveliest birthday – we followed my tried and true Birthday Formula® (more on that later this week!) to much success, and I am one happy 22-year-old little lamb. Thank you, blog folk, for all those sweet birthday messages too – to those who say making friends on the Internet is sketchy, I say pffffttttt!

As some of you know, my big sister is getting married in October, so I've been over here bugging her for tasks to be in charge of. Pick me, pick me!!! I wave a hand in her face, as she goes over invitations and photography and music and a guest list. Nope, nope, nope, aaand nope.

But girlfriend did throw me a bone. I was given strict instructions to find dress boutiques (where she managed to find her wedding dress at the first place we visited BOOYAH POINT FOR CAROLINE), and to plan the cupcakes. Basically, I'm in charge of the most important parts of the wedding, this shouldn't be an issue at all *hyperventilates*

And with a bit of mental math, I figured that Birthday Weekend + Wedding Checklist Task = I'm Allowed To Eat More Than My Fair Share Of Cupcakes. So began a day of running around town collecting cupcakes from Susiecakes, Sift, Pretty Please Bakeshop, and Kara's. All strong contenders. We gathered six adults, two itty bitties, and two cats (who abstained because they weren't allowed to vote for a catnip cake...), and after some solid discussion as well as a major sugar coma, I think we have a good idea of the ultimate champion. Me. It's me. I'm the winner here.


To celebrate, I thought I'd take part in this giveaway. Please buy at least one cupcake with your winnings, or you will have failed me.

(If the Rafflecopter's not working, check back at 3pm PST!)
Ultimate Cash April.jpg

Prize: $500 Cash (via Paypal)
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 5/18 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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