Don't mind me as I'm over here in total confusion as I'm wondering where all the time has gone. And I don't say this in a "I can't believe another year has gone by!" way that every one of us do around holiday time as we get all nostalgic and whatnot over spiked ciders and Christmas trees. No. I'm legitimately bewildered that we're on the third Monday of this last quarter of college, because I don't know what I've been doing with all that time.
Scratch that. I kind of do.
There's job-hunting, and then the panic attacks that come with job-hunting. Then, there are classes. On Tuesdays, I spent three hours in class. (Watching movies like Brave and Juno, and then chatting to the writers and directors and creators of them, WHAT.) An hour after that, I was in another two hour class. (Having group conversations about life experiences and communication.) And on Mondays and Wednesdays, I'm in two hours of class as well. (Writing fictional short stories.) AND on Wednesdays, I also spent two hours at night in ANOTHER class! (Learning Serbo-Croatian, yeah this one is a total wild card.)
Productive, as you can see. Really contributing back to the world and all with these skill sets.
But what about all of the time outside of these academic endeavors? I haven't had but two naps in three weeks, that's unheard of! I must be doing something!
I guess there was that whole afternoon Cassandra and I spent making an expedition out to In-N-Out and boba and hey, why not, Nordstrom Rack.
And there's also those sweet, sweet times when I run into friends by happenstance, but then decide to make an impromptu lunch out of it and a chat out of it and welp, there goes one good chunk of time!
There are the mid-week brunches that I make Lauren pencil in to her calendar (because it makes it official!). And to drag that out, I convinced her to drop by the new Blue Bottle downtown and we spend an extra hour conversing over iced coffees. Necessary. And THEN, I insisted on walking the forty minutes home instead of taking the bus or an Uber because we have allllllll the time in the world, yes we do.
This weekend, too, was pretty happenin'. I hopped on a train right as my morning class ended, met my sister for a wedding dress fitting where she looked like such an angel princess bride, cuddled with the cutest cats in the world, indulged in bananamisu (so good!), and tried on bridesmaid dress after bridesmaid dress after bridesmaid dress. Getting in and out of those dresses itself took, like, six years. Zippers, man.

I love that floral cardigan. The food looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteI adore impromptu lunch/dinner/drink/coffee/let's go shopping dates. time seriously moves too fast. Especially when you're at the end of something!
ReplyDeleteMy last semester FLEW by! But then again, I couldn't wait to get out of there haha
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking time has been flying by overwhelmingly fast lately as well...eek slow down! I bet wedding dress shopping with your sister was so magical!
ReplyDeletecan i just... is that your wall paper? I love the pineapples!!
ReplyDeleteI wish! It was actually the wallpaper at a really cute cafe... but thinking about it now, I should track it down for my own apt in the future!