Forgive me, friends, for I'm feeling sappy today. In my world, sappy = yappy, so here I am about to spew some random ramble at you.
Today's a big day for me, one of those circled-in-bright-red-in-a-brand-new-planner days. It marks a new chapter, or maybe even a whole act, and I'm excited and nervous and apprehensive and antsy and ready and very, very sentimental.
Are you a sentimental person? I am. I'm the sort of person who romanticizes the past and is bright-eyed about the future and really likes ceremonial rituals to demarcate one chapter from another.
Not talking animal sacrifices here. Promise. More like... okay so TBH the big thing is that I saved the final three episodes of FRIENDS for last night. The first time I tried watching the whole series in its entirety was freshman year of college, and that promptly failed because certain annoying things like classes got in the way. Rude, I know. I started to re-watch it all again at the start of senior year a whole dang year ago. But now it's all over. *sob*
Other recent happenings I'd like to note for posterity's sake:
Speaking of ceremonial, I bought myself a huge hunk of coconut cake from Susiecakes just because. Treat yoself and all.
Last Thursday, I was at Stanford having coffee with a number of my favorite people and it was so strange being back, seeing life going on as per usual, but with the characters reshuffled. I felt much better after Hanna directed me towards free pizza (my two favorite words) and then we chased down the most spectacular sunset I've ever seen in the Bay Area. The sky was a watercolor painting and on fire at the same time, but so very fleeting. You might have seen it if you follow any Northern Californiaers on Instagram because everyone and their pumpkins posted a picture, it seemed like.
Speaking of Stanford, football season thrills me. Mostly because I get to see some beautiful faces again... well, obviously because of that (and the obligatory Taco Bell run beforehand) because um, during the actual game, I fell asleep on Leah's lap. Twice.
Then the morning after, we were all at our local donut spot and I kind of went overboard ordering donuts and breakfast sandwiches and then the quarterback came in and ate like a FRACTION of what I did. Whatever. One of us needs the nutrition more than the other, I guess.
I'd also like a gold star plus a pat on the back for going to a Giants game too. That's two sports events in two days, THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIYAH.
San Francisco has had some insanely gorgeous weather in the past couple of weeks, so conducive for days out and about. I browsed through many a boutique in the Marina one day with no intent of purchasing anything, but with only the slightest hint of shopgirl sweet-talkin', I was whipping out my wallet for a romper. THE MOST practical winter-is-coming choice out there.
Later, Kylie and I followed our noses to burgers on Polk St. and then because that was SO taxing, we spent the rest of the day sprawled out on her bed, grunting in disapproval when Netflix had the nerve to ask us if we were still watching Scandal. I mean, seriously, what else would we be doing?
"Let's go out," my friends persuaded Saturday night. "I'm exhausted," I bemoaned. "You just took a two hour nap." Backed into a corner, I reluctantly followed them into the Lyft to our friends' apartment where I eventually needled everyone into playing several rounds of Avalon, effectively putting an end to this "going out" ridiculousness. I salute you, board game makers.
And of course, if you follow SF Snapchatters or Periscopers or Twitterererers, you're probably aware that it was Fleet Week. Outrageously and scarily loud, but also SO. FRICKIN. COOL. We snuck out onto the roof (along with the entire city) to watch as the Blue Angels whizzed by overhead and wow, it was such a crazy impressive spectacle.
That is all to say, I think, that life lately has been so, so sweet. And fingers and toes crossed, here's to hoping that this pumpkin-spice-scented magic carries forward in the coming weeks.
HEY YOU. Yes, YOU. Tell me what's been sweet in your life, lately! Also, please advise on your favorite board games because I need some more in my arsenal for the next time I desperately need to wheedle my way out of going to the bars.

haha my excuse is that I'm tired. i love that you fell asleep at the football game. I love playing last word for a board game!
ReplyDeleteBoard games will save your LIFE! I was SO not feeling going out to the movies with a big group a couple of weeks ago and persuaded them to play Pandemic and Apples to Apples instead!
ReplyDeleteLauren :)
I'm always the one whining I am too tired to go out, but then I give in and go and end up having an amazing time. Overall I just think October is a fabulous month, it's almost too sweet to be true (which must be all the Halloween candy speaking). I'm glad you're so happy, I love board games too!
ReplyDeleteAhh Fleet Week...! Lucky me, I've got my own personal sailor to call mine <3 Come on, girl! Live it up!!! You've got plenty of time ahead for board games!! ;) :P
ReplyDeleteSo jealous you live in the beautiful area that is Northern California in all its glory!! Loaded Questions is a fun party game.... and only slightly awkward when grandma plays. ;) and LOL... falling asleep twice during the game? That happened to me in Lord of the Rings.