

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

What are you up to on the merriest day of the year? How was your loot? And most importantly, what're you going for first at the dinner table?

As for me, I'm a goner in the face of the irresistible pull of my bed at my parents'. No matter how many times I claim I'll be "productive" and "helpful," it still manages to coax me right back under the covers, book in one hand and coffee in the other.

In other festive news, it is currently 82 degrees with 81% humidity here in Houston, so I'll be melting away as I continue to refuse to take off my long-sleeved Santa pajamas.

Merry everything, happy holidays, and happy weekending to you, my loves!


  1. I did the adult thing and ate my veggies first... but oh dear lord there was a Carmel pecan fudge tart that will haunt me for the rest of my days for no tearing more than one. Four Seasons brunch FTW!


your comments truly make my day! :)
thank you!

xx Caroline