

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

16 Realistic Baby Steps I'll Be Taking in 2016

...because when I'm overly ambitious, I tend to sabotage myself and completely shut down.

1. Open my eyes when I log into my bank account. Who knows what I've been accidentally clicking as I guess where the "log out" button is before I catch sight of the pitiful digits next to the word Balance. Face the fear, Caroline.

2. Walk into the yoga studio across the street. You don't even have to take a class, girl. Just walk in and walk out. "It's too much effort" is starting to sound really sad when the dang place is literally twenty steps away from your front door.

3. Go grocery shopping more than once every six weeks which is your current average. It's so exhausting to hate yourself as you eat a tortilla for dinner thinking, if only I had an egg to go with this tortilla. Or some cheese. Anything, really.

4. Allow your friends to drag you out for one night. Netflix isn't going anywhere, I promise. 

5. Cut down your daily latte count to 2. Or maybe 3 on days when it feels like an emergency.

6. Do something on your HELLA LONG commute other than liking Instagram photos for a full hour. Download a podcast. Write the next NYTimes bestselling novel. Whatever fits your fancy.

7. Say "learn to budget" without rolling your eyes. And then maybe consider the concept.

8. Make your walls a little less bare. Just order the frickin' print or I don't know, go to town with some Crayola markers and call it modern art. Just do something.
9. Figure out a skincare routine, like saying yes to SPF and washing off your makeup every. night. (I know, I know.)

10. Figure out a hair routine, like scheduling that haircut you've been needing for a whole year.

11. Leave the floor a little less covered with clothes and junk. All I ask is to see even a sliver of the rug.

12. Stop justifying Lyft rides with "but I'm cold." You live in San Francisco, it's always cold. Brave the Muni or use your legs.

13. Understand that vegetables aren't poison. Salad is not the enemy.

14. Balance those indulgent cheeseburgers you refuse to give up with a few 1 minute PopSugar exercise videos that you refuse to acknowledge. Maybe even some 10 minute ones if you're feeling particularly crazy. 

15. Get educated about the presidential election through something other than SNL, although of course that's compulsory learning material as well.

16. Say yes. To the plane ticket. To the donut. To the happy hour. To the weekend getaway. To the tough new project. To a new KITTE–– okay, I'm getting cut off.

What are some realistic baby steps you'll be taking in this brand spankin' new year?