

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Give Me Some Good News, Please!

When I called my mom to let her know that I, ahem, did not win the lottery [total shocker], she said something along the lines of - this means that your cough will get better! The scales have to tip back in your favor just a tad! It's how the universe works!

Guess what, mom.

Not only did my unrelenting cough not leave me be, but it full on turned into a watery-eyed, stuffy-nosed, six-sneezes-in-twenty-seconds beast of a cold overnight. I made it to work, hunched over for three hours in my corner stockpiling little packets of Emergen-C and cough drops before my coworkers told me to get outta here, you're a miserable mess. Well... in nicer words.


The rest of the day, I spent in bed with Kleenex stuffed unceremoniously up my nose and mom on speed dial so I could whine to my heart's content.

This, on top of not becoming a billionaire.
This, on top of waking up to the sad, sad Alan Rickman news. I was in tears on the train to work, but the jury is still out whether this is actually from reading the heart-wrenching tributes from Harry Potter actors (/weeping/) or from this stupid cold. More posts to come on my love for all things Potter, but man oh man what a legend Alan Rickman was. Think I need to go on a HP, Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually bender. 

This, on top of not having Monday off when most of my friends do.

I couldn't be more of a Debbie Downer today if I tried, could I? My apologies. It's Friday! Weekend! Cheerio!! Woohoo! This is why I'm here right now crowdsourcing for good news. 

Please tell me you've been having a better few days. What's the best thing in your life right now? What are you most looking forward to? Hear anything exciting lately? Tell me a joke! Pleeeeeeease.


  1. You are hysterical lol! I had one of those non stop dry coughs that drove me up the wall, I mean it lasted about 6 months so keep you head up hunny you will feel better soon!

  2. I was on the train when I heard Alan Rickman died and I was nearly in tears but thought I best keep it together in front of everyone, such sad news!
    I was the same last weekend until Tuesday I was led in bed with a box of tissues by the side of me and constantly sneezing it was rough.
    Hope you get better soon!

  3. The Alan Rickman news was so sad! Hope you're feeling better soon, lady!

  4. Girl, feel better! And I love that you have your mom on speed dial. My mother always is my go to girl when I just need to let it out. I have lots of great friends around, but you can really wine/complain/bitch to your mom and no you won't be judged!

  5. I finished 55 Gates Millennium apps this week... if that doesn't make you feel better, I don't know what will!! ;) get some rest this weekend girlie!! One more day that can be filled with sleep!!


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thank you!

xx Caroline