

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Weekend plans: vegetating

As of late, my friend Hanna's favorite verb to throw out there has been to vegetate: to spend a period of time in an inactive, dull, and unchallenging way. The least verbiest of verbs out there, I assume. 

Vegetating is precisely what I'll be doing this weekend, the first weekend in 2016 that has been 150% plans-free, and it sounds like HEAVEN to me right now. I'll curl up in my new Kate Spade linens, pick up a book if I feel like it, sulk over the angsty ending to the Chinese TV series I've recently been hooked on. I'll browse through H&M's new home goods because recently I've been keen on upping the oasis factor of my room. I'll slip on my comfiest lounge pants, catch up on some work, play around with the blog, grab a latte and cook up some birthday noodles in celebration of my dad, have Harry Potter playing in the background, watch the UNC v. Duke basketball game if it's not too stressful.

Oh, and QUANTICO IS BACK ! ! ! ! !!!!! ! !!

HEAVEN, I say.

What are your weekend plans?