Roll call!
Are all of my bright-eyed, bushy-tailed IT'S A FRESH START, LET'S GOOO-getters present?
...And what about the rest of you, are you all back in Ugh, The Real World yet - anyone else yell at their alarm clocks and forget to re-charge their commute cards and overall regress to their December 19th selves?
Because hi, the latter... that was 100% me, one day post-carboloading, lounging in sweats, watching Ghostbusters and eating cake on NYE bc it's a new year baby!! Also, I'd like to point out our festive "2018" cake decorations, held up nicely by "25" candles that are slightly janky from already being used not once, but twice before.
I'm not making any sense here, but give me a break: I've been absent for awhile and am quite rusty at this. I do hope to be here more often in 2018 though, and thought I'd make an appearance today just to get this show back on the bumpy, bumpy road.
The tail end of 2017 felt so much like constantly playing catch up that I don’t think I ever fully grasped the idea that 2018 was imminent until it was, you know, here. But yesterday, as I was lounging in my best friend’s parents’ home, helping myself to freshly grated gouda and bubbly red champagne, I felt the thrill of a new start for the first time in a long time. I found myself finally getting excited for all that this year may be bring, rather than remaining in my default state of slight anxiety and general cynicism. So. Hopefully that’s the sign of a good year ahead of us!
Or, it could’ve just been that I had a sip too much of bubbly. Who’s to say.
- Just start writing and documenting again.
- Be on low-pressure mode as I figure out what it is exactly I (and you) want this space to be.
- Refresh the fixins a tad. Nothing major but my Bloglovin description still says that I'm a junior in college and uh, I wish, but sadly sadly sadly that is not the case anymore.
- Perhaps finish recapping some trips, as those are the memories I predict 80 year old me would most like to hate-read.
If you're still reading: HI, YOU ROCK. I've missed you. Could you drop a note & let me know what you're up to? If you're still blogging, gimme your linky link, because I need me some new reading material!

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xx Caroline