There comes a day in every twenty-something lady's life when she has to throw caution to the wind, pretend that her social anxiety isn't an issue, and confidently tell the hostess "table for one."
For me, that day was January 28, 2018.
... What am I even saying? There never has to be that day if you don't want there to be. I never wanted that day, but a craving for ramen has a mind of its own. It was the grand opening of Ippudo Ramen in San Francisco, I had only eaten a bite of a cupcake all day, my friends were "too full," and just like that - I found myself confidently whispering to the hostess: "table for one."
To be honest, it was all a bit anticlimactic from then on out. Not the ramen - the ramen was glorious and the pork buns even more so, but it turns out I didn't discover the Wonder Woman within myself or meet my soul mate or realize that dining alone is a newfound hobby.
Instead, the whole experience was - pleasant. Peaceful. I zoned out for 80% of the time: I didn't people watch, didn't hang on to my phone for dear life (well okay, I did a little), didn't read a book. I literally just zoned out, slowly enjoyed my noodles, and then walked out a (Akamaru) Modern woman. <-- that's an Ippudo pun, you guys.
Like I said, anticlimactic.
But I started this blog to document interesting and notable experiences, and if the "dining alone for the first time" shoe fits, then suffer through my ramblings you must, dear readers!
Perhaps next week I'll go watch a movie by myself. Or take a drawing class, or hike the PCT. And perhaps those adventures will bear more fruit on the self-realization front, but also perhaps you'll be getting another blog post that's like "well I tried that and it was cool, but also my life has not been changed."
Am I making any sense? I don't think so, but let's just pretend we're mind-melding and you kind of get it. To new experiences! However revelatory or not!

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xx Caroline